GOAL 17 – GET TOGETHER NOW! is a film project about the implications and opportunities of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding the prospects for youth participation. The goals are recounted on film in 17 segments, each by a different class from Nürtingen Primary School, Rosa-Parks Primary School and Fichtelgebirge Primary School in Kreuzberg, Berlin.
All film episodes were researched, artistically developed and realised by the children involved as a contribution to their sustainability goal.

During the previous project GOAL 17 – Children make the world! in collaboration with Nürtingen Primary School in 2022, the children already came up with the idea of communicating the goals to other children and educators in order to envision and propagate a future world community. The children looked at questions such as: How can as many people as possible engage with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Why can’t we have a say, even though it is our future at stake? How can we reach a large audience? How can we make the adults, who decide our future and the health of the planet, take us seriously?

And so came about the idea of a collective film project on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The films can function as learning material – both within and beyond the participating three schools.
The children and teachers also created a material box as accompanying learning material to broadcast the films and the subject matter of the 17 SDGs to children and adults (The box can be downloaded at the end of this page).
The 17 episodes can be watched here:
The additional card set was developed together with the participating children and teachers and can be used as supplementary learning material by teachers but also children to further convey the films and the content of the 17 SDGs to both children and adults. On request, we also offer introductory training courses for teachers, school classes and other interested parties.
This educational material takes into account the quality criteria for digital ESD materials in accordance with the resolution of the National ESD Platform of December 9, 2022. Source: BNE-Portal
Graphics: Elis Nägele
The project was supported by: