Game Museum Theatre


Could you be the protagonist of your history?

The GDR, as a chapter of German history, has been swimming in a variety of documented facts for more than three decades, but it has also been drowned in different versions of what happened: historians, professors, politicians and other specialists, each speaking from their field of knowledge about this delicate subject, have offered their perspectives. However, this necessary process has often been surrounded by a set of fair and unfair judgments about the Berlin Wall and what happened related to this during those years. 

But the „West“, as it’s clear, could also be assessed concerning these same issues. In the background of this dynamic the question arises: Who is narrating on behalf of whom exactly?

The project BREAKING POINTS.Fragments was developed by sideviews with contemporary witnesses from Marzahn-Hellersdorf in cooperation with HKW (House of the World Cultures). It addresses the historical issues raised by the exhibition project Echoes of the Brother Land in a process that attempts to listen to and give a voice to those who experienced the facts of divided Germany and their experiences of events in the “East” in relation to immigration, labour and racism in society. However, BREAKING POINTS.Fragments refuses any form of judgement to listen to the voices of those who experienced the facts. It gives power back to the protagonists in a theatrical-therapeutic gesture: what has been repressed inevitably returns.

Artistic director/director: Anja Scheffer

Films: Daniel Harder

Editing: Cornelis Harder

Costume design: Daria Kornysheva

Production Management: Anna Bartels, Anja Scheffer

By and with: Hannelore Eckert, Wilma Florath, Monika Kegel, Hans-Heino Luxa, Tomma Luxa, Kirsten Müller, Anja Paetsch, Christel Sickers, Uwe Sickers

Guests: Juana-Victoria Güneser, Mavinga P. Petrasch, Ibraimo Alberto, Romy Drieschner, Elona Sagor, Phanuel Nlend Nlend

Foto sideviews
Game Museum Shadow Museum Theatre Youth Committee Shadow Museum

CAELIUS JUVENILIS – Episode III: The Aliens Time Travel to the GDR and its “Brother Countries”

The Shadow Museum, a collective of young people seeking alternative approaches to the museum institution for several years, is now exploring the history of former “contract workers” from the so-called “brother countries” of the GDR together with sideviews. From the perspective of aliens, the young people examine how the then “brother countries policy” affects current societal issues such as racism and discrimination, based on their life experiences and the exhibition Echos der Bruderländer at the House of World Cultures (HKW). The artistic research of the Shadow Museum is presented at the HKW as an interactive, playful, and extraterrestrial symposium.

Foto sideviews
Foto sideviews

By/with Laith Azimi, Anna Bartels, Lou Braun, Romy Drieschner, Mariama Juric, Sharon Morane Momo, Elis Nägele, Phanuel Nlend Nlend, Elijah Sagor, Elona Sagor, Anja Scheffer, Moritz Scheffer, Cem Yildiz and the contemporary witnesses Mavinga P. Petrasch, Wilma Florath, Monika Kegel, Anja Paetsch

Foto Jamila Grote

Foto Jamila Grote