Game Youth Committee Shadow Museum Museum Museum Shadow Museum Shadow Museum Game Theatre Theatre Youth Committee Shadow Museum


SIRBOX Mini is the digital derivative of SIRIBOX*.

Users can interact through play with concealed aspects and content in works of art, exhibitions, urban spaces and other settings.

SIRIBOX Mini was developed as part of Open Secret** by the Schattenmuseum Youth Committee in an examination of the programme and history of the KW gallery in Berlin and produced as an app. Users can add their own experiments to the app and store them in situ.

Download SIRIBOX Mini:

SIRIBOX Mini Appstore

SIRIBOX Mini Android

*The SIRIBOX was a 2019 collaborative creation between the Schattenmuseum Youth Committee and 456  class pupils of the Nürtingen elementary school and their teacher Wiebke Janzen in cooperation with sideviews e. V. and the Berlinische Galerie.

**Open Secret:

KW Institute for Contemporary Art has been sponsoring the app since 2021.

The SIRIBOX Mini could be realized with the financial support of:

Game Youth Committee Shadow Museum Museum Museum Shadow Museum Shadow Museum Game Youth Committee Shadow Museum

Festival: Sketch-In

As part of the exhibition “Gezeichte Stadt”, the Berlinische Galerie invited the Shadow Museum Youth Committee and sideviews to submit a contribution to the Sketch-In Festival.

On October 3rd, passers-by were invited to sketch together with the youth committee at Kottbusser Tor / Zentrum Kreuzberg. The youth committee was interested in what is important to the people of Kotti. The process was filmed and broadcast live at the festival in the Berlinische Galerie.

There were also various collaborative drawing activities in the museum, on the forecourt and in the neighbourhood, always pursuing the questions: What can drawing be? What role does it play in urban space?

The concept for the festival was developed by Constanze Eckert in cooperation with the art mediators of the Berlinische Galerie.

Mehr Infos unter Berlinische Galerie