Game Museum Museum Game Theatre Theatre


The pharmacy is a place of medicine and knowledge. The city bears disease, wounds, scars and ailments. What defines a city pharmacy?

In this intergenerational artistic research project, students from the Nürtingen primary school together with their teacher, sideviews artists, the Schattenmuseum youth committee and two retired pharmacists investigate plants and other remedies in the urban space. In an exploration of the city’s pressure points, the city pharmacy collects, archives and publishes knowledge. In addition to this custodianship of interest in (medicinal) plants and habitats, it preserves old knowledge both for future generations to activate self-healing powers and also to ensure that healing is not left exclusively in the hands of other. Plant ambassadors exhibit the resulting plant archives in a variety of ways: a combination of experimental, choral, choreographic and research tools creates a walk-in interactive space – a living archive. The presentation is supported by a guest appearance by the one-off play garments from Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf. 

The city pharmacy was presented as an interactive exhibition and performance as part of the Schools of Tomorrow festival on November 18-19, 2021 in the House of World Cultures in Berlin.

Here you find our VIDEO DOCUMENTATION (in German language).

More information at

STADTAPOTHEKE  is a project by and with 

Alaa Asmin Ava Bedirhan Béla Cem Eddie Elijah Elisa Elona Emir Han Ena Hiranur Inés Jacek Josef Karla Lino Mariama Mohammed  Saleh Niya Oghuzan Pauline Puma Raziye Robert Romy Selma Suvi Tuana Tunç Vito Zamiel Zahraa Abdul-Hamid Silke Ballath Hannelore Eckert Dr. Wilma Florath Wiebke Janzen Monika Kegel Seraphina Lenz Dr. Hans-Heino Luxa Tomma Luxa Kirsten Müller Bodo Orejuela Anja Paetsch Carla Petermann Ilka Saegebarth Anja Scheffer Moritz Scheffer

Game Youth Committee Shadow Museum Museum Museum Shadow Museum Shadow Museum Theatre Youth Committee Shadow Museum

K36 – Kotti at second glance

Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg 36 – for some a district to give a wide berth but, for many others, a place of acceptance where culture, religion and individuality converge. The exhibition “K36 – Kotti at a second glance” shows the urban space from the perspective of young people and presents various approaches to vanquishing prejudices and getting to know ‘Kotti’. Last year, the Shadow Museum Youth Committee conducted urban research around Kotti, putting it under real scrutiny; the exhibition is like a second, closer look.

The project developed for the Berlinische Galerie was another part of the Shadow Museum ‘s programme. Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg, a challenging and stigmatised urban space, became a focus for the Shadow Museum Youth Panel which, through its on-site research, proposed an anthropological change of perspective. In the public eye, Kottbusser Tor is associated with images and discourses of social disorder. However, most residents and passers-by experience this urban space as one of permanent negotiation toward a mutual respect – a hidden social reality made apparent by the intensive dialogue between the Shadow Museum and the residents.

The result was 7 collectively developed videos, hundreds of photos that were processed into a 5x5m wall collage and a memory wall by means of which visitors could approach Kotti in an interactive way. 

More informations about the background of the exhibition K36 – Kotti on second glance.

And here you can find all videos: Alle Videos

 The exhibition “K36 – Kotti at second glance” was realised in the Berlinische Galerie in 207 m².Space for action and cooperation by:

Alisha Bronnert, Anja Scheffer, Daniel Harder, DJ B.Side, Eddie Kuchar, Elias Briller, Hüseyin Yilmaz, Jahmila Bronnert, Junis Hanafi, Karla Gangloff, Laith Azimi, Mathilda Marten, Monir El-Helwe, Moritz Scheffer, Oğuzhan Altintas, Romy Drieschner, Seraphina Lenz, Silke Ballath, Zahraa Abdul-Hamid

Game Youth Committee Shadow Museum Museum Museum Shadow Museum Shadow Museum Game Refik Veseli School theatre profile Youth Committee Shadow Museum



Shadowmuseum (Schattenmuseum) can be regarded as an alternative approach to the concept of a museum and has grown out of several years of cooperation between sideviews, the Jewish Museum Berlin and a group of schoolchildren from Kreuzberg in Berlin. Schattenmuseum is a structure for developing proposals for museums on how to interact with communities, collections and educational opportunities. Content, methods and artistic formats are developed and implemented collaboratively with young people and adults. Schattenmuseum is based on the actual structures, needs and goals of the respective museum. An experimental field unfurls, accompanying an exhibition for example, in which questions are asked, a space for dialogue is created or an experimental arrangement is set up involving different groups of visitors and including their perspectives in the exhibition. Schattenmuseum has been developing as an experimental arrangement in the Berlinische Galerie since the beginning of 2019. Since mid-2020, Schattenmuseum has also been collaborating with the Berlin Biennale, the KW Institute for Contemporary Art and the House of World Cultures.

To Shadowmuseum´s Website

Laboratory for intermediate spaces Laboratory for intermediate spaces Museum Museum Refik Veseli School theatre profile Shadow Museum Theatre Refik Veseli School theatre profile Theatre

Laboratory for intermediate spaces

Museum and School?, 2016-2017

Museum AND school? The Laboratory for intermediate spaces is an artistic experimental arrangement between the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Refik Veseli School in Berlin-Kreuzberg, designed and implemented by sideviews:

In five productions, the pupils examined the interface between them and the museum as a field of work and a storage location for memory and identity. The young people devised theatrically interactive tours and their own theatrical forms on themes such as flight and exile. For example, the stage became a large table at which people with different political positions could sit, and ideas and practical experience of a conflict based on the Middle East conflict were negotiated. The five productions were made apparent in different forms of presentation, e.g. an exhibition, a performative-choral tour, a walk-through theatre space, a museum in the school, etc.  The Schattenmuseum came into being as a consequence of this research.